General Terms & Conditions for Booking:
1. Booking can be made upto 30 day advance with full payment after (submission of valid ID proof)
2. No Booking will be made at
Guest House at Kolkata.
3. Check-in/Check-out time will be 8 a.m.
4. In case of cancellation, if it is done at least 24 hrs. prior
actual date of occupancy 80% of rent charges will be refunded within 7 days .
5. In case of Govt. programme booking will automatically be
cancelled without any intimation.
6. Restriction: The guest should not bring the following into guest
Pets or live stock
Any electrical appliances and/or equipment for heating and cooking
Smoking, consumption of alcohol and drugs etc. are prohibited.
7. Foods will not be supplied by the Z.P. Procuring Food from vender
is optional.
8. Maximum booking period 7 days at a time.